We waded in a little creek running through the park, played paddle ball, ate lots of food, drank some champagne to celebrate Tara and Jeff's recent engagement---What! Yep! Congratulations Tara and Jeff! I am happy for you two and happy to see my sister in such a good place in her life. Love is beautiful, isn't it?
Joseph just bought two boxes of books for school from a graduating med student. He got a great deal on them which is terrific. However, they are not even all of the books he will need. Then he got many that aren't required, but will be very helpful. So there they all sat, on our living room floor. We are just looking at these books, both thinking the same thing. So I said, "Go ahead, learn that stuff." Seriously, we are just trying to fathom the amount of information he is going to have to absorb come August. Open head. Insert knowledge. Perrin, being of stronger character than her parents, was not brought up short even for a moment.
We already had more books than bookshelf space, so to Home Depot we went. As of today we have a brand new six foot long book shelf above our tv in the living room. We now own riveting titles from, "The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics" to "Rapid Interpretation of EKGs." Man, I can't wait to get into those. This is me not being jealous of Joseph.
Last night Perrin woke at 11pm and wouldn't go back down without eating. She has been having some random (but sadly increasingly regular) nighttime wake-ups for the last couple of weeks. It is generally making me grumpy. So when the cats started loudly begging for breakfast this morning at 5am, thus waking up Perrin, I was NOT NOT happy. I hadn't even set my feet on the floor and I had already dropped the F bomb--"Those f!@#$%* cats...grumble, grumble, curse, curse..."
I don't want to be that angry person. Cursing at the cats before even getting out of bed for the day seems like a good--let's stop and take stock--moment for me. Yes J and I have been varying degrees of sleep deprived for 10 months, but, PULL IT TOGETHER. Anyone with advice on living with sleep deprivation and not turning into a complete A!@#$%^, let me know your best tips. I really don't want to be that angry cranky person.