Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The dryer is broken...really?

So our dryer is officially broken.  Yesterday when I went to get the clothes out of the dryer and they were still not dry, I thought that maybe it was some kind of fluke--if I didn't acknowledge that it happened, it would not have happened.  After the 3rd cycle that didn't end with dry clothes, I considered considering that the dryer may not be operating at peak condition.

After running another experimental load today, I can say--yes, the dryer is broken.  The heating element is not heating the air.  I now have clothes, diaper shells, diaper inserts, and cloth wipes strewn about the house to dry.  Now to try and dig out those dryer warranty papers that--come on, does anyone actually know where those papers are?

Joseph just brought home sandwiches and ice cream, so of course Perrin just decided to wake up and cry 30 minutes after going to bed.  And as you can see, we are doing really well with making more healthy dinners at home.  It's just that Jimmy John's makes these sandwiches...and if you give them money, they just hand them to you, no questions asked.  Next week we will hunker down and plan two meals for the week.  That seems like a good starting place.  Send food! we are starving!  Wish us luck!

Tara took me to Cafe Terracotta for Mother's Day breakfast over the weekend.  I love that place.  Anyone here in Littleton should eat there.  Seriously. Eat there.  I had eggs benedict with artichoke and mushrooms and a side of french toast.  We sat on the restaurant's front porch, talked, ate, drank.  It was wonderful.  

The next morning, on Mother's Day proper, Joseph made me breakfast and we all went to the farmer's market.  I was off diaper duty all day.  It was a great weekend.

Here is little P in another one of my old baby dresses that my mom brought to me when she visited in March.  The sleeves were pretty tight on her chubby little arms, sweet sweet chubby baby.  "D" is for double chin.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Once again your blog comments make me smile. Keep it up!