Friday, June 7, 2013

I need to be folding laundry...

Right now I need to be folding laundry and stuffing diaper shells...but I am having a beer and as I drink it, I am seeing how all the things I thought I needed to do tonight (including showering myself) seem like things that, really, I could probably fit in tomorrow morning before Joseph gets home from his work trip.  I haven't even feed myself dinner and it is 8:20, but it just seems like so much trouble right now.  Perrin is in bed---I just want to sit on the couch with my beer and pet my cats.  I feel like a bachelor- minus the cat part.


I know numerous people right now who are pregnant with their 2nd and 3rd babies.  There is just something about other people you know having babies that makes you feel like you are running late when it isn't you.  Something in your brain just thinks, I've got to get on this. We are behind!  Why is that?  My only hurry would be (this is going to sound harsh) I am looking forward to having newborn stage babies behind me forever!  No baby #3 for us...and the first months were so stressful that I would like to go ahead and get it over with sooner than later and just get on with the business AND PLEASURE of being with my family who can all hold their own heads up and sleep through the night.  

Ok.  I'm going to get up and do things that need to be done.  Grrr.  Have a nice weekend all!

"You don't want 10 more of me, mama?  But I am so darling and sweet--just look at me!  Oh, and I just threw up a little on the floor over there."


1 comment:

Mom said...

Was Joseph's trip rewarding?!! Was he too exhausted upon his return to enjoy his birthday outing yesterday?

I understand your baby comments/feelings exactly. I had you when I was 33 and worried that I was getting too old. :-)