I just finished reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon, on loan from Kirk. What a wonderful book! It had an epic feel about it because of the weight of what one of the main characters, Joe Cavalier, goes through and the years that it spans, from the 1920's America to the 50's.
Joseph Cavalier, a follower of Houdini, escapes to the US from Nazi-invaded Prague as a 17 year old. He comes to live with his cousin Sammy Clayman. They get into the business of writing and drawing comic books while Joe is trying the save money and take steps to get the rest of his family out of Prague, which proves to be a task that changes his whole course. Here is a quote about escape that I like from the book.
"...the usual charge leveled against comic books, that they offered merely an easy escape from reality, seemed to Joe actually to be a powerful argument on their behalf. He had escaped, in his life, from ropes, chains, boxes, bags, and crates, from handcuffs and shackles, from countries and regimes, from the arms of a woman who loved him, from crashed airplanes and an opiate addiction and from an entire frozen continent intent on causing his death. The escape from reality was, he felt-especially right after the war-a worthy challenge." How could we all deal with the tediousness of life as well as the repercussions from everything that we do without allowing ourselves escape? That is one of the reasons I love to read so much. I get to be outside of my own life for a while and even though the characters are fictional, I feel like I am getting to know more about the world I live in somehow.
Anyway, thanks Kirk for the book loan- you are a good friend to make such a wise recommendation. I've already requested another Michael Chabon book from BookMooch. It is called The Final Solution: A Story of Detection. It's about a retired beekeeper in Sussex who meets a boy with an african gray parrot that recites German numbers. I guess it is about the man trying to figure out what these numbers mean and the story of the boy and the bird.
A new thing with me--I got my own domain name! I don't have an actual page up at the address yet, but I will update my progress here. I don't have a program to put together a site, so I am starting to learn html so that I can write it myself. I don't want to put it up until it at least resembles a real web page and has some content worth coming for. The address is going to be www.grumpybunnyprojects.com
In years to come I would love to be able to sell some craft projects from it- but it will start out as a personal-just for fun- page.
Well, I've got to tweak my resume for a research writer position I saw yesterday. Sounds fun, eh?