Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And the job search continues...It seems that I am under qualified or over qualified for the majority of jobs in the Denver metropolitan area. It's like there is this chasm between jobs that require no previous experience- and usually only that you have graduated from high school (which is where I am because I never want to make glasses again) and all of the rest of the jobs that require at least two years of experience.

Grr...it doesn't surprise me but still grrr. I have applied for a couple of jobs, neither or which do I really really want- but I am getting cabin fever and need to get out of the house more.

Joseph has had two interviews with Davita, a dialysis center. It is sounding good so far.

I am tired of being on the computer--between yesterday and today I have sifted through about 1,600 jobs. My number has got to come up sometime--"Looking for a young creative person who has a passion for inventing ice cream flavors and reading books when business is slow." Surely that combination of letters and words will make its way into the Denver Post before too long.

Tonight Tara is making us veggie burgers with avocado and asparagus on the side. It's the least she could do after leaving us alone all day while she "works," what ever she wants to call it.


Anonymous said...

Do you and Joseph go out during the day to walk and just enjoy the high altitude air?
Exercise keeps the 'blues' away....so says your father!

It'll happen....chin up!

Love you!

Laurie said...

I would hire you if you lived in Noblesville - someone will nab you soon!

Anonymous said...

ooh, inventing ice cream flavors, yes, that would be wonderful! i remember when nicole and i thought the perfect job would be to be the person that named the color description for lipsticks and eyeshadows....'creamy copper', 'catch-me crimson'...stuff like that. how do people get 'those' jobs?? -tce