Thursday, May 2, 2013

Is that crawling??

So Perrin and I are skyping with my mom this morning and I have the computer on the floor so grandma can watch Perrin roll/ sit/ scooch and around, straining towards crawling.  We are talking and my mom says, "I think she is crawling."  And I say, "Is that crawling?"  

It seems my standards are a bit high.  What I was looking for was a more coordinated graceful movement than that...I don't know; I guess that WAS crawling.  She was on hands and knees and was moving forward...hum.  Cool.

Perrin is now just over 9 months old and is in constant- absorb my surroundings- mode.  This is really fun to watch--to see her really see the world and to see her making something of it in her mind.  The one time this is not fun to watch is when she is supposed to be nursing.  We will be sitting on the couch, but then the cats run through, Joseph comes home from work, a pin drops...aaaand she is pulling away from me, looking all around, trying to do little baby sit-ups.  I can actually become worn out nursing her, just trying to wrangle her, move her, try different positions, different rooms. 

So this morning we go into my bedroom to nurse on the bed where there is less distraction.  Sometimes this works, but other times she just keeps rolling away, wanting to look at whatever is behind her.  Here is what this morning was like.  Nursing for a few minutes, then rolling onto her back then onto her stomach (very pleased with herself).  So I say, oh, she wants to to be turned that way, so I switch sides with her and try to nurse her that way.  then she rolls onto her back the other way, then onto her stomach (again, extremely self satisfied).  It is a silly and frustrating dance we do...darn babies.  Just eat the food!  But usually she eventually eats well; either worn down by the dance and finally submits to consuming the life giving food, or eats more later in the day.  The 3rd option is-- don't eat well all day and wake up hungry at 1am hollering from the next room, "Why won't you guys give me some food!?  All I want is to be fed, gosh!"  

(Insert sweet Perrin picture to counteract rotten baby thoughts...)

Months ago I bought material to make a celebration flag banner to hang up for birthdays or any celebration really.  Since my sewing machine was still sitting on the kitchen table from Merry's visit, and since her homemade tutus fired up my DIY spirit, I finally got my banner made!  Here is a quick rundown of how to do it.

Just get about a 1/2 yard of each of the fabrics you want to use and some ribbon that matches.  I used a thin ribbon, but after making mine, I would advise getting a wide ribbon that you could fold over the tops of the flags and sew so that the top of the flags are enclosed.  

My template for the triangle flags was two 11.5 inch sides and one 8.5 inch side.  Just trace onto your fabric and cut out. 

Now I have this banner making bug because it is so easy with such great visual payoff...I want one for every holiday!  Picking fabric for the Presidents' Day banner will be challenging, possibly rivaling finding Columbus Day banner fabric...

Puck Cat moment of zen...

 "I like tunnels."


Mom said...

YES, she is crawling....just not very fast yet. :-)

Mom said...

Nice flags and a really cool baby you've got there!!

Do you have your 'babysitter' instructions written up for Saturday?

I'm so glad Joseph was still home to watch the big event....crawling!!!