Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blog about's so meta

Since starting up this blog again, I have found myself reading more blogs myself.  There is definitely that super self-indulgent/ self-important aspect to blogging, as in, "My life is so interesting that surely people MUST want to know every detail about it."  Some blogs strike me like this- as someone who obviously truly believes that their day to day live is remarkably gripping and very cool.  But what I love is when you stumble upon a good blog and it doesn't even matter what the person's angle isIt is like seeing into someone's life, looking through their window (not in a creepy way) to see what you would never see if such a medium didn't exist.  

It can act as a reminder that people aren't actually this faceless mass who are all out to get the job I want, to sit right in front of me at the movie theater, or to annoy me by talking loudly on their phones in a public place.  They are people with unique senses of humor, observations, and experiences that can be really interesting and entertaining to hear if you can get past the--you are one of 7 billion people on the planet, what could be worth knowing about you, thing.  This is an important reminder for me, as someone who is typically very cynical and ready to throw the whole human race under the bus in exchange for some peace and the good outdoors.  

Cheap non-related adorable pic of my family, because photos make large blocks of text easier to read.

With med school looming come August, I have been thinking a lot about what our family's life will look like with Joseph in school and then in residency, so I have been looking at some blogs written by medical students and residents for a look at what is to come.  One that I have been reading is Table for One.  She is a Canadian in her residency who writes about being single, food, medicine, and photography.  She is a good writer; I would read about her feeding her cats.  Another that I have been enjoying is A Cartoon Guide to Becoming a Doctor.  This one is pretty funny.  It gives me hope that getting Joseph through med school will be HILARIOUS!  

I started writing this post while Perrin sat beside me in her highchair having a little lunch.  She has pretty much blown through every thing I have given her, but I want to continue writing so I keep handing back to her the same gnawed on, falling apart, strawberry over and over to buy some time.  She isn't on to me yet, but she is sure to get wise to her neglect shortly.  

Have a good day out there, and thanks for checking in on my little blog.  It must be a relief to get another post after being up all night just wondering what I might have to say.  He he he--I am very funny.


Mom said...

Your blog is very interesting and insightful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings.

Dan and Jodi said...

I love that photo of Little P! She is so beautiful (and big!)!