Friday, October 5, 2007

Guess What!!

Just wanted to say...Joseph and I got engaged!!!! It was that day we went to Berheim Forest in Kentucky. We were walking through this beautiful garden area around a lake and stopped under an oak tree and were picking up acorns because we were talking about trying to grow one. So I am standing there with a handful of acorns and all dirty and sweaty from being in the woods and climbing trees- and he asks me. Which was strangely nerve racking but wonderful.

It was a great day. Earlier that day we were walking a trail and I found an injured bat right on the path. It was such a sweet looking thing and we really wanted to help it, so we called the nature center, but they said no one was around to care for it. Plus we didn't have anything to transport it in. We got it off of the trail with a big stick. It was able to cling to the stick, just not able to fly. It looked like its right wing was injured. We watched it for a long time. It was special to be so close to this animal that you never get to have closeness with, but it was so pitiful and we finally had to walk on and leave it. We left it some water in a leaf, knowing that it was going to die.

So here we are, in Littleton and all moved in to Tara and Matt's house with most of our belongings in storage. The trip out wasn't so bad and Simon traveled like a pro, napping on and off most of the
way and only meowing when we stopped at gas stations thinking surely it must be time for dinner this time.

It will be awhile before we achieve any sense of normalcy I'm sure, but for now all is well and we are happy enough sorting through it all.

1 comment:

The Merry Chicken said...

That bat video is pretty sad. It sounded like fall, though.