Friday, November 16, 2007

The Democratic debate last night

We all watched the Democratic debate last night. It was a little frustrating; the moderator was asking a number of questions that were trying to draw lines between the candidates, but with questions that were not that important. For some reason the media has latched onto this question of, would you give drivers licences to illegal immigrants? They had every single person answer this question and it took up lots of time with each person wanting to explain why they answered yes or no.

Obama made the point that this question is not important- people aren't crossing the borders to drive. They are coming here to work. Whether they have a drivers licence or not is not the point. Obama said he would give them licences because it improves public safety- which I agree with- but again--not the point and time wasting. Instead they could have been talking about what kind of paths they would lay out for legalization to keep from criminalizing a gross number of people for just wanting to make a living where they are able to.

Dennis Kucinich nearly refused to answer the question because it asked about "illegal immigrants." He said that people can not be illegal, they are simply not documented. I liked that point--I think that is one of this countries issues is criminalizing people that just don't deserve it. I like most all of what Kucinich has to say. I like that he is not afraid to say what he really believes even it makes him not the most likely candidate to be elected. As much as I would like to support him for his unwavering support for peace- I don't think that he could win this election. It is messed up logic, I know, but I feel so desperate...desperate for change and simple sound reason that I want to support a person I agree with on issues and who feels genuine- but also who I think has a serious chance to win the presidency.

I think that Biden is hysterical and refreshing. I love that he doesn't conduct himself like someone running for president. Dodd really turns me off, and then last night when he said that he would protect national security over human rights I was officially done with him.

Bill Richardson is also refreshing. I want to give him a big hug and go eat lunch with him. He strikes me as really down to earth, reasonable and kind. Edwards- I don't know. With he and Hillary Clinton I don't feel like I am really seeing them. Particularly Clinton- it feels to me like she is always putting on a face. This may be normal in politics, but I don't want a normal politician for president, or even a good politician. More than that I want a good person and one who wants to do things differently.

Not that you ever really know from what they say what they will do, but I find Obama much more moving and straight forward. The way he speaks and what he says tells me that he is a thinker and that is important to me. He doesn't lose me in political jargon or cliche- I just feel like we are really seeing him- not just a political face. Of course they all show us what they want to for reasons they have given much thought to-sure. I don't know.

I don't even believe in the whole two party system. I think it is ludicrous. What are parties even for? A person should be able to run under their name and their ideas on the issues that matter. Parties are meaningless and create a false dichotomy. Conservative/liberal, good/evil- that is not a reasonable way to see people or the world. I can't believe in 2007 we are still functioning this way.

Ok, no more going on. But again I would like to restate my desire to sit down to lunch and drinks with Bill Richardson- and Joe Biden too. Wouldn't that be a fun afternoon? I have a very firm stance on fun. I like to have it and if it involves food, all the better. That's all I have to say.


Anonymous said...

Good for you with keeping up on our presidential candidates. Will you be able to vote in CO? What are the voting rights when one moves to a new state?


Anonymous said...

you're right leah, i would love to have drinks w/ biden, for sure!! so, can i join you? yeah, i used to think edwards was ok, and pretty electable, but, now...he's jumping on the 'let's critique the hell out of the other opponents' (mostly hillary)and that really turns me off...not b/c i'm a hillary fan, but just because he's being quite shameless about it. i'm glad you wrote what you did leah...i wonder if it's ever been a real consideration, to drop the whole 'parties' thing and just let people run on their own merit. that would make so much more sense...i think it's because most american people aren't that bright and the'system' thinks they need to make it easier for us idiots to classify these nymrods into parties so that we can make our decisions on which one sucks the least. ok, i'm being harsh...i'm just in a bad mood, i think....i should go obama!!! rock on!