I haven't posted in a long time, not because I am quitting this blog, but I am attempting to not have a melt down with all this moving across the country in three weeks business. My mind is so occupied that after I feed Simon at the crack of dawn because it is the only way I will be allowed to go back to sleep- I get back in bed and can not go back to sleep because I am thinking--take the rolled coins to the bank, pack more boxes of things we won't need to use for the next three weeks, what will we not need to use in the next three weeks, go have pants for job interview hemmed, take back library books, mow lawn, oh god, where will I get a job--and so on.
Please come back to visit once I am more settled, but for now I probably won't post too often- must avert melt down. I know writing is a good way to relax, but I just feel like there aren't enough hours in the day right now. Well, I guess there are enough hours for me to have been watching really old Alias episodes with near addiction regularity and fervor, but this is me blowing off steam at the end of the work day because I work with a fare amount of people who are evidently incapable of doing their jobs correctly. Uuuoh, need to go to my happy place-
Ahh, that's better. There's nothing a lightsaber wielding Batman and Darth Vader won't cure.
I'm very honored that my darth vader action took you to a happy place...i'm sorry you're feeling so much stress, but i totally understand...my cure for before we left and stress was.....LISTS!! i love them, make them almost unnecessarily and enjoy writing them on different pretty papers. then i keep all my lists together and check things off really big, which makes me feel quite accomplished...even if what i checked off was 'get clothes out of the dryer, which have already been there for 3 days.' sometimes, it's the small things...but, with enough checking-off...well, i felt better. love you and can't wait to watch alius episodes with you...i'll let you introduce me to that show...oh, but we have to start up gillmore girls again,fortunately not too many episodes will have gone by before we're together for tuesday night fun! love, t
:-0 Oh, dear....take a deep breath....no, take several!
The list thing always helps me too. I love to CHECK OFF items that I've done; I feel like I'm accomplishing more than I am.
"In time this too shall pass."
Love you! Wish we lived nearer so I could help you with the packing and decision making...... M
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