So it is 6pm on friday night and I just prepared a Publisher's Clearing House entry and Joseph is sleeping because he worked at 2:30am this morning. It's going to be a wild night at the callis/clere house out Clarksville; lock up your young men and your liquor.
Our going out recently has been movie focused. I have seen Ratatouille, Transformers and The Order of the Phoenix. Ok, Ratatouille- the worst thing about it is typing it. This movie I really enjoyed. It was not predictable in the way that most animated features are and it had just enough adult humor. Also the animation looked so real at times, especially the food. It made me want to sit down with a plate of brie and hot bread and ignore everything.
Transformers...there is more than meets the eye to this movie. he he he...I'm so funny. Seriously, I thought it would be worse. Not every movie is made with the ambition of winning awards and this one wasn't, but it was fun to watch and you get to hear that erh erh erh erh sound when they transform and to me that was worth it...really they got me with that. It sounded just like in the cartoons.
Finally, The Order of the Phoenix. Another enjoyable movie right in the vein of the other H.P. movies. Not my favorite just because the book had so much in it that it is getting hard for the movies to squeeze it all in so it feels a little busy or- more like you wish you could see deeper in to it. But, it must be said that the kids growing older is a tinsy bit distracting. In response to this, I have chosen Ron as my favorite, and I would officially pick him if ever forced to choose an adolescent celebrity boyfriend.
Also in the life and times of Leah Callis- I have had to replace a tire on my car this week and now my car makes a noise when I drive between 17 and 24 mph- so I try to accelerate really quickly through that part because it is annoying. Next week I am having my master cylinder replaced because my brake is sinking when I press it. Why do things have to age and breakdown?
For some reason this is slightly disturbing to me. I am fine with the general life and death cycle--it is only man made things that bother me. I hate the idea that I am going to go through my life maintaining all of these belongings that I have accumulated. Rotate the tires, sharpen the knives, increase the computer's memory, grease the bla bla bla bla. It isn't laziness; it is just the feeling that even though I am thankful for my car and enjoy my computer I end up having to do some much work for them--it's the slave to your belongings idea. Plus, what if one day something happened and all of these things were gone- what would I do? The dependency is scary. Ok.....and I'm a little lazy.
Wow! Publisher's Clearing House, eh? Is Ed McMahon's picture still on those things? Mom, Matt and I saw Ratatouille (spelling??)yesterday!! you're right, the spelling does suck, but the movie was absolutely charming and wonderful!! I ate up the whole thing and actually shed a micro tear when the critic experienced that childhood moment (you know the one...I don't want to ruin in for anyone else!)--later dear. tara
I would also choose Ron as my celebrity boyfriend. Hands down.
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